About us

Its all about us at kikguru.com this is the page that has all the information about kikguru.com. This website is has been under the management of Kevwe who also happens to be a publisher, with over 6 year of writing experience and  also has an in experience computing. All text and other digital files on this website are property of Kikguru.com.

Kikguru.com is an information web site that is focused on software for PC and mobile phones. We also write about other Technological issue in related to mobile devices and PC. The information we publish on our web site are accurate and up to date. This are information about Application and  solution to technical issues on technology. Our website www.kikguru.com was launched on November 20, 2014.

This is information blog that talked about Apps review and all you need to know about your favorite application and their update. We are here to show you how to make full use of your application, showing you the technical know how to your Apps is our duty. As our focus is mainly on how to make your apps run the like it’s in your mind.