HomeHOW TOHow to Cook Okra Soup

How to Cook Okra Soup

How to Cook Okra Soup? Would you like to master the preparation of the famous Okra Soup? Look no further! In this article, you’ll discover the art of cooking this beloved Nigerian delicacy.

How to Cook Okra Soup

Okra soup, a nutritious and delightful dish, pairs perfectly with any type of swallow. While there are various ways to cook it, this article will guide you in a manner that guarantees enjoyment.

Beloved by many, Okra soup is a simple and speedy recipe that demands minimal ingredients.

Whether you’re from the Yoruba, Igbo, or Hausa tribe, this soup unites all Nigerians. Curious to learn how to create this exquisite dish? Continue reading to become an expert.

Ingredients to Cook Okra Soup

It’s better to have your required ingredients when you want to prepare your okra soup, and also prepare them before you start cooking. Below I will list out the ingredients you need before you can be able to prepare your delicious okra soup. They include;

  • Fresh okra 20-40 pieces depending on how much you want your soup to be.
  • Cooking spoons.
  •  Red oil.
  • Meat [ponmo, goat meat, turkey, Sharki, beef].
  • 2-3 pieces of stockfish [dry fish, crayfish, frozen fish.
  • Fresh or grand pepper.
  • Salt.
  • Onions.
  • Maggi cubes.
  • Vegetable.

With these ingredients in place, you can start preparing your okra soup. Also, if you are aware of other ingredients that weren’t mentioned above but would make your soup taste good. You can add it to it. But if you are not, the above is more than enough to make your soup taste really nice.

How to Prepare Your Ingredients Before Cooking Your Okra Soup

Before turning on your gas to make your soup, I recommend you first prepare your ingredients. This is because once you start cooking; it makes things easier for you. And it also gives you an arranged desk where all you need are in place.

Then you do not even have to start hurrying to wash one thing or the order while you are supposed to be monitoring the food. So, here’s how to prepare your ingredients below;


Wash your fresh okra and cut it into tiny pieces the tinier it is the more it will draw, then after that you will pour it into a bowl or plate.


Wash your meat, ponmo, and stock fish. Grind the crayfish and pepper together then wash your vegetable leaves and slice it in any way you might like. These are steps before you start cooking your okra soup.

After preparing your ingredients, you can now proceed to make your soup with the steps listed below.

Steps on How to Cook Okra Soup

Making the okra soup is very easy. And there are also different kinds of ways to prepare it. But here, we will be providing easy and general steps to make okra soup. So, without further ado, let’s delve right in.


Put your washed meat, ponmo, and stock fish in a clean pot. Add in your seasoning Maggi cubes, salt, and onions. Then add a cup of water and leave it to boil for like 20-25 minutes.

How to Cook Okra Soup – Step2

When boiled, remove and put in a clean bowl or plate. Leave the stock fish in the pot and boil again until it becomes soft and add water to it.


Add your palm oil 200ml, pepper, crayfish, and salt to taste let it boil for like 9 minutes. Then after, add your cooked chicken and fish and allow to boil for 4 minutes.

How to Cook Okra Soup – Step4

Next, add the sliced okra and stir, put in your mackerel fish on top and add in your sliced vegetables then turn it and leave it to simmer for 3-4 minutes.

Then your delicious okra soup is ready and prepared to be served with any swallow of your choice like Eba, pounded yam, or semo then it’s ready.

With the requirements and steps above, preparing the famous Okra soup delicacy is very easy.


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